African Focus is a community project facilitated by St Paul’s African House, funded by Working for Victoria. As part of the project, the African Focus team engaged with both African and Non-African stakeholders about the key areas of interest to explored in a survey. The Community Survey was developed in partnership with Pauline Brightling from Harris Park Consulting and Michael Santhanam-Martin, a researcher at Melbourne University. The survey was conducted from Mar 24 – May 16 2021 by the African Focus Team. The survey began with a large community launch with over 120 people attending to find out more about the project and to celebrate their community. Cultural performances and delicious African foods were enjoyed by all.
The survey explored general demographics, experiences, and key areas of change that the African communities in Greater Shepparton identified. 255 community members completed the survey. Key themes explored in the report are Languages, Employment, Education, Sense of belonging, Services & Unmet Needs, and COVID-19.
To view the survey report, please click the link below or watch a video below with key messages in English, Dinka, and Swahili.